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Music Audio | Drimo Papi, Way Kay Bw & Loui Anado | Pedesheetv.com

Music Audio | Drimo Papi, Way Kay Bw & Loui Anado | Download



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What we have for our colleagues who are starting their programming journey or who want to expand their abilities in this field

This is a special thread for hiring to learn Website Development,

1. We will learn how websites are made from the very first step (From the Scratch)

2. Types of Websites (Or Web application)

3. How to create a database (We will use MySQL database system)

4. What is the meaning of DNS (Domain Name System), Browsers, Servers and hosting

5. User interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

6. Front End Languages (Here we will use the Bootstrap framework which includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript)

7.Backend Language (Here we will use Php(5-7) + PDO because of its popularity in Web design)

8. What is the meaning of XAMPP, how to install and use it

9. What is the meaning of IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

10. By the end of this course you will have the ability to create your own online store with all the features for electronic commerce (Ecommerce)

This course starts from the very beginning….you don’t have to have any programming experience to understand it

I will start with you from the very first step I assume you don’t know anything about Codes

Requirements: Computer (Windows 7 to 10) Internet Connection And your time


What is the meaning of programming language? What is the meaning of Codes?


Assume you don’t know anything about programming, and you’ve never heard of programming language or coding, but you don’t know what it means when those words are mentioned.

This is an important and fundamental step in this course, before we start explaining what the website means, we must first understand what we mean when we say the word programming (Coding by another name).

What is programming?

Programming is derived from the word ‘Program’ A program in simple language is a list of instructions (Set of instructions) that is given to the computer to perform a certain task.

When we want the computer to do something (Example, Creating a ‘Log in form’ in the website that allows the user to enter his Email and Password before entering our website)

We always write a program, which will give information to our computer about something we need it to do (Making Login form)

Unfortunately, the Computer does not understand any human Language Does not understand English, French or Swahili)

A computer understands everything using a language made up of only two numbers (0 and 1). This language system is known as Binary number system

Therefore, any instructions that we give to our computer, must be in this mathematical language (0 and 1)

It is very difficult for humans to write a program using the binary number system (the language of 0 and 1)

This is where programming languages ​​came from

Programming Language is like an interpreter that exists between us Humans and the Computer They are languages ​​that help us talk to Computers like we use Kiswahili or English to talk to our fellow humans

So, Programming is the skill of writing a computer program using a programming language

A computer program is a list of instructions that we give the computer to perform a certain task

And Programming language is the language we use to talk to the computer/Write a computer program

A programmer is a writer of computer programs

Of course, until now, we will have given a little bit about the whole meaning of programming

Before we start our lesson, there are basic words we should know. When we use programming language to write a certain computer program What we write is called Source code

Source code is a computer program written using Programming Language, it is a computer program that we humans are able to write, read and understand.

After writing our source code, it must be changed to a language that the computer understands (Binary number system) The task of converting Source code to (Binary number system) is done by Compiler

Complier is a computer software that converts our source codes into a binary number system (computer language). Source codes changed by Complier into a binary number system are known as machine codes.

Machine Codes is the same Computer program that we wrote this time in computer language (1 and 0) Now the Computer will follow the instructions we gave it after reading these Machine codes

In simple terms, Complier is like a translator that converts our source codes into a language that the computer will understand (Machine Code).

When Complier works to change our source codes to machine codes, it goes through one line after another of our source codes to check if there are any mistakes we have made. This action of the Compiler to review our source codes is called Debugging

Debugging is the act of checking for errors in source codes before converting them to machine codes

Why Debugging?

The computer will not work on our instructions, if there are errors, the work of Debugging is to help us write a Computer Program that will work / Executed by the Computer

The entire process of writing, reviewing and finalizing a computer program is done using an IDE IDE is an acronym for Integrated Development Environment, this is a special software that enables us as programmers to write our programs

IDE works for Debugging and Execution of our program

In simple language, it is a notebook and pens that we use to write computer programs

Above you will see a new word for you (Assume you have never heard it or you don’t know what it means)-Software

We have read that a Program is a list of instructions that we give to a Computer for the employment of a certain job, but Software is a collection of many Computer programs that do a certain job

For example, if we have Program A for the job of taking our user’s information (Eg Email and Password) Then we have Program B for the job of checking the information if it is correct (Correct password or Wrong Password) then we have Program C for the job of allowing the user to enter on our website (if the information is correct) This collection of Software (A, B and C) is called Software We will see more in the future

Until then, we have gained a little light on our subject, I have tried to use very simple language in the introduction so that we do not leave behind, as we move forward, the language will also change more and more

Now before we start our Web Programming Lesson (Pay us the Special code of IS 181) we have to have an IDE on our Computers

There are many types of IDE used by many programmers in the world, there is Visual Studio, Atom, etc. But in this lesson I will use Atom text editor.